Zinc Data File Version 4.0 dh}0d UI_ICON UI_BITMAP UIW_WINDOW UI_HPP UI_CPP UI_HELP DERIVE_TABLE APPLICATION ASTERISK EXCLAMATION QUESTION, HOSED_DISK> HOSED_TAPE5 DISK_ICON QUESTION_IMG3 XIMAGE< BM_SETFACTORY BM_GEN_DISK BM_GEN_TAPE DISKETTE_IMG OK_CHECK DETAIL_IMGB BM_UNDO= CHUTE? DRVMED: BM_GEN_FSYS. DEV_DETAILS! TAB_CONTROLNTROLOTEBK! TAB_CONTROL TAB_CONTROL TAB_CONTROL! TAB_CONTROL TAB_CONTROLEBK STOR_RETR_NOTEBK OBJECTID- USER_FUNCTION; COMPARE_FUNCTION const ZIL_NUMBERID FIELD_1 = 0x0001;= const ZIL_NUMBERID FIELD_4096 = 0x1000;= const ZIL_NUMBERID FIELD_4097 = 0x1001;= const ZIL_NUMBERID FIELD_4098 = 0x1002;= const ZIL_NUMBERID TAB_DD_SOURCE = 0x0001;= const ZIL_NUMBERID PMPT_SRCCAP = 0x0009;= const ZIL_NUMBERID BTN_SRCDEV_BM = 0x000A;= const ZIL_NUMBERID PMPT_SRCDOSHOST = 0x000B;= const HELP_CONTEXTS2 DEV_DETAILS" TAB_CONTROL DERIVED_OBJECTSJECTSL DERIVED_OBJECTS DERIVED_OBJECTS DERIVED_OBJECTS DERIVED_OBJECTS DERIVED_OBJECTSCTS DERIVED_OBJECTS Copy Help It is important to backup your data regularly so that you can easily recover it in the event of a disk failure. The Copy function provides a quick and easy method of backing up. To backup your data: 1. Select the drive you want to copy f = 0x1019;= const ZIL_NUMBERID WN_REST_ANIMATE = 0x101B;= const ZIL_NUMBERID TAB_MAKEDISKETTE = 0x0007;= const ZIL_NUMBERID FIELD_4130 = 0x1022;= const ZIL_NUMBERID RB_DISKA = 0x1023;= const ZIL_NUMBERID RB_DISKB = 0x1024;= const ZIL_NUMBERID ID_CREATE_DISK_OK = 0x1000;= const ZIL_NUMBERID TAB_PREFERENCES = 0x000A;= const ZIL_NUMBERID GRP_COPY_PREFS TAB_CONTROL1 DEV_DETAILSNTROLOTEBK% TAB_CONTROL TAB_CONTROL TAB_CONTROL% TAB_CONTROL TAB_CONTROLEBK STOR_RETR_NOTEBK DEV_DETAILS Device Details Device Details DISK_ICON FIELD_1 TAB_DD_SOURCE &Source PMPT_SRCCAP Physical size (MB): BTN_SRCDEV_BMQ BM_GEN_DISK PMPT_SRCDOSHOST DOS drives hosted: STR_SRCDRV_NAME Generic Drive STR_SRCDRV_MB STR_SRCDRV_DOSHOST FIELD_4099 Accessible size (MB): STR_SRCDRV_ACC_MB FIELD_4099 Geometry (C-H-S): STR_SRCDRV_GM const UI_HELP_CONTEXT GENERAL_HELP = 0x0001; // General HelpL const UI_HELP_CONTEXT COPY_SOURCE = 0x0003; // Copy SourceN const UI_HELP_CONTEXT MAKEDISKETTE_HELP = 0x0008; // Make DisketteQ const UI_HELP_CON ZIL_NUMBERID FIELD_16 = 0x0010;= const ZIL_NUMBERID COPY_DEST_COMBO = 0x0013;= const ZIL_NUMBERID FIELD_20 = 0x0014;= const ZIL_NUMBERID PRMPT_COPYSRC = 0x0017;= const ZIL__RESTORE = 0x0004;= const ZIL_NUMBERID RESTORE_SRC_COMBO = 0x1009;= const ZIL_NUMBERID FIELD_4106 = 0x100A;= const ZIL_NUMBERID RESTORE_DEST_COMBO = 0x100D;= const ZIL_NUMBERID FIELD_4 megabytes FIELD_4123 Megabytes transferred FIELD_4124 Elapsed time STR_REST_IMAGSIZ_MB STR_REST_XFERRED_MB STR_REST_TIME_ELAP ZIL_NUMBERID STR_SRCDRV_NAME = 0x000C;= const ZIL_NUMBERID STR_SRCDRV_MB = 0x000D;= const ZIL_NUMBERID STR_SRCDRV_DOSHOST = 0x000E;= const ZIL_NUMBERID FIELD_4099 = 0x1003;= const ZIL_NUMBERID STR_SRCDRV_ACC_MB = 0x1004;= const ZIL_NUMBERID FIELD_4099 = 0x1003;= const ZIL_NUMBERID STR_SRCDRV_GEO = 0x1004;= const ZIL_NUMBERID TAB_DD_DESTINATION = 0x0004;= const ZIL_NUMBERID BTN_DESTDEV_BM = 0x000F;= const ZIL_NUMBERID STR_DESTDRV_NAME = 0x0010;= const ZIL_NUMBERID FIELD_17 = 0x0011;= const ZIL_NUMBERID STR_DESTDRV_MB = 0x0012;= const ZIL_NUMBERID Restore Help If you lose data due to a system failure, you can restore data that has been backed up with ImageStor by using the Restore function. To restore your data: 1. Select the drive containing the data to be restored from the Source drop-dow to begin the copy process. to restore your system. To create a bootable diskette, follow the steps below: 1. Insert a blank, formatted diskette into one of your disk drives. 2. Select Drive A: or Drive B: to indicate the drive that contains the blank diskette. 3. Click Preferences Help You can set preferences in ImageStor to define copy and restore operations. Choose from the following options: -- Copy: Choose whether you want to display all your system drives or only the tape drives attached to your system in the Destination drop-down list. -- Restore: Choose whether you want to display all your system drives or only the disk drives attached to your system in the Destination drop-down list. -- Image File: Set the directory (perhaps on a network drive) where y Source PRMPT_COPYDEST Destination ID_COPY_OK OK_CHECK ID_COPY_DETAILS &Details DETAIL_IMG GRPCOPY_XFERPROG Make Diskette] A bootable disk contains the programs and files necessary to load your system and restore data to your primary hard drive or volume. In the event of a system crash, you can use the bootable diskette and the backup you create with ImageStor% OBJECTID# USER_FUNCTION COMPARE_FUNCTION Physical size (MB): STR_DESTDRV_MB FIELD_19 DOS drives hosted: STR_DESTDRV_DOSHOST FIELD_4101 Accessible size (MB): rom the Source drop-down list. 2. Select the device to which you want to send the copied data from the Destination drop-down list. 3. Click Details to display more information about the source and destination devices you have selected. 4. Click OK Restore Source Select the device containing the data to be restored from the drop-down list. Scroll through the list of available devices by using either your mouse or the down-arrow key on your keyboard. FIELD_4110 NUMID_VT_SCROLL$ FIELD_4115 Source FIELD_4116 Destination ID_RESTORE_OK Make Diskette now to begin the process. Response: The DOS system files and the ImageStor program files are copied to the diskette. Action: Should you experience a system failure, use this diskette to bring your system back up. ImageStor will start au Copy Destination5 Select the device to receive the backup data from the drop-down list. This list shows all drives on your system or only the tape drives on your system, depending on how you set your preferences. Scroll through the list of available devices by using either your mouse or the down-arrow key on your keyboard. n list. 2. Select the device to which you want to send the restored data from the Destination drop-down list. 3. Click Details to display more information about the source and destination devices you have selected. 4. Click OK to begin the copy pr Copy Source Select the device containing the data to be backed up from the drop-down list. Scroll through the list of available devices by using either your mouse or the down-arrow key on your keyboard. ocess. R_IDABORT &Abort CHUTE WN_REST_ANIMATEA DRVMED Restore progress TAB_MAKEDISKETTE NUMID_GEOMETRY General HelpA ImageStor is an easy-to-use data management program. It provides a quick method for backing up and restoring your entire system drive or volume. To get help on a specific item on an ImageStor screen, select the desired item using the mou ke &Diskette now DISKETTE_IMG TAB_PREFERENCES &Preferences GRP_COPY_PREFS RB_COPYPREF_TAPEONLY List only tape drives as possible destination RB_COPYP const ZIL_NUMBERID FIELD_1 = 0x0001;= const ZIL_NUMBERID FIELD_4096 = 0x1000;= const ZIL_NUMBERID FIELD_4097 = 0x1001;= const ZIL_NUMBERID FIELD_4098 = 0x1002;= nst ZIL_NUMBERID FIELD_4099 = 0x1003;= const ZIL_NUMBERID FIELD_4100 = 0x1004;= const ZIL_NUMBERID TAB_COPY = 0x0001;= const ZIL_NUMBERID COPY_SRC_COMBO = 0x000F;= const LD_4101 = 0x1005;= const ZIL_NUMBERID STR_DESTDRV_GEO = 0x1006;= const ZIL_NUMBERID TAB_DD_EXIT = 0x0007; 0-0-0 TAB_DD_DESTINATION &Destination BTN_DESTDEV_BMQ BM_GEN_TAPE STR_DESTDRV_NAME Generic Drive FIELD_17 tomatically when your system loads from this diskette. Use ImageStor to restore your data to a new disk drive. STR_DESTDRV_ACC_MB FIELD_4101 Geometry (C-H-S): STR_DESTDRV_GEO 0-0-0 TAB_DD_EXIT &Close 0x101B;= const ZIL_NUMBERID ID_PREFS_OK = 0x100A;= const ZIL_NUMBERID ID_PREFS_CANCEL = 0x100B;= const ZIL_NUMBERID TAB_HELP = 0x000D; STR_COPY_XFERRED_MB = 0x0023;= const ZIL_NUMBERID STR_COPY_TIME_ELAP = 0x0024;= const ZIL_NUMBERID R_IDABORT = 0x1019;= const ZIL_NUMBERID WN_COPY_ANIMATE = 0x101A;= const ZIL_NUMBERID TABE_SOURCE = 0x000C; // Restore SourceM const UI_HELP_CONTEXT RESTORE_HELP = 0x000D; // Restore HelpQ const UI_HELP_CONTEXT PREFERENCE_HELP = 0x0009; // Preferences Help se or keyboard. Then, press [F1]. A help topic describing that item is displayed. DETAILS = 0x1017;= const ZIL_NUMBERID FIELD_4120 = 0x1018;= const ZIL_NUMBERID FIELD_4122 = 0x101A;= const ZIL_NUMBERID FIELD_4123 = 0x101B;= const ZIL_NUMBERID FIELD_4124 ? TEXT COPY_DESTINATION = 0x0004; // Copy DestinationJ const UI_HELP_CONTEXT COPY_HELP = 0x0002; // Copy HelpT const UI_HELP_CONTEXT RESTORE_DESTINATION = 0x000B; // Restore DestinationO const UI_HELP_CONTEXT RESTORNUMBERID PRMPT_COPYDEST = 0x0018;= const ZIL_NUMBERID ID_COPY_OK = 0x0019;= const ZIL_NUMBERID ID_COPY_DETAILS = 0x001B;= const ZIL_NUMBERID GRPCOPY_XFERPROG = 0x001D;= const ZIL_NUMBERID PRMPT_COPY_MBTOTAL = 0x001E;= const ZIL_NUMBERID PRMPT_COPY_MBXFERRED = 0x001F;= const ZIL_NUMBERID PRMPT_COPY_ELAPSEDTIME = 0x0020;= const ZIL_NUMBERID STR_COPY_IMAGSIZ_MB = 0x0022;= const ZIL_NUMBERID = 0x1000;= const ZIL_NUMBERID RB_COPYPREF_TAPEONLY = 0x1003;= const ZIL_NUMBERID RB_COPYPREF_ALLDEVS = 0x1004;= const ZIL_NUMBERID GRP_REST_PREFS = 0x1001;= const ZIL_NUMBERID RB_RESTPREF_DISKONLY 110 = 0x100E;= const ZIL_NUMBERID FIELD_4115 = 0x1013;= const ZIL_NUMBERID FIELD_4116 = 0x1014;= const ZIL_NUMBERID ID_RESTORE_OK = 0x1015;= const ZIL_NUMBERID ID_RESTORE_ = 0x1005;= const ZIL_NUMBERID RB_RESTPREF_ALLDEVS = 0x1006;= const ZIL_NUMBERID GRP_IMG_FILE = 0x1019;= const ZIL_NUMBERID STR_IMGFILE_DIR = 0x101A;= const ZIL_NUMBERID FIELD_4123 = = 0x101C;= const ZIL_NUMBERID STR_REST_IMAGSIZ_MB = 0x101D;= const ZIL_NUMBERID STR_REST_XFERRED_MB = 0x101E;= const ZIL_NUMBERID STR_REST_TIME_ELAP = 0x101F;= const ZIL_NUMBERID R_IDABORT DRVMED Copy Progress TAB_RESTORE &Restore RESTORE_SRC_COMBO FIELD_4106 NUMID_VT_SCROLL$ RESTORE_DEST_COMBO OK_CHECK ID_RESTORE_DETAILS Details DETAIL_IMG FIELD_4120 NUMID_GEOMETRY FIELD_4122 TotalREF_ALLDEVS List all drives as possible destination GRP_REST_PREFS RB_RESTPREF_DISKONLY List only disk drives as possible destination RB_RESTPREF_ALLDEVS List all drives as possible destination Restore GRP_IMG_FILE STR_IMGFILE_DIR FIELD_4123 Path to file: Image File ID_PREFS_OK &Set defaults BM_SETFACTORY ID_PREFS_CANCEL &Undo Changes BM_UNDO TAB_HELP &Help COPY_IMAGSIZ_MB STR_COPY_XFERRED_MB STR_COPY_TIME_ELAP R_IDABORTA &Abort CHUTE WN_COPY_ANIMATEA NUMID_GEOMETRY PRMPT_COPY_MBTOTAL Total megabytes PRMPT_COPY_MBXFERRED Megabytes transferred PRMPT_COPY_ELAPSEDTIME Elapsed time STR_ GENERAL_HELP COPY_SOURCE7 MAKEDISKETTE_HELP9 COPY_DESTINATION COPY_HELP@ RESTORE_DESTINATION8 RESTORE_SOURCE4 RESTORE_HELP6 PREFERENCE_HELP: BOZO7 FIELD_16 NUMID_VT_SCROLL$ COPY_DEST_COMBO FIELD_20 NUMID_VT_SCROLL$ PRMPT_COPYSRC ou want ImageStor to access an "image file". A special file (DEVIMG.ISF) will be available in that directory as either a Source or Destination for ImageStor transfers. The directory you specify must already exist. You can select an option by clicking it DIKS_IMG32x24CHUTE TAB_CONTROL ImageStor '95 ImageStor '95 DISK_ICON FIELD_1 TAB_COPY &Copy COPY_SRC_COMBO ble devices by using either your mouse or the down-arrow key on your keyboard. with the mouse. If you have no mouse, you may use the tab key to get to the desired group, then the up and down arrow keys to select the desired option. Restore Destination7 Select the device to receive the restored data from the drop-down list. This list shows all drives on your system or only the tape drives on your system, depending on how you set your preferences. Scroll through the list of availa &Make Diskette FIELD_4130 RB_DISKA Drive A: RB_DISKB Drive B: Select diskette drive ID_CREATE_DISK_OK Ma FIELD_19 = 0x0013;= const ZIL_NUMBERID STR_DESTDRV_DOSHOST = 0x0014;= const ZIL_NUMBERID FIELD_4101 = 0x1005;= const ZIL_NUMBERID STR_DESTDRV_ACC_MB = 0x1006;= const ZIL_NUMBERID FIE